To be eligible to sit the Final Exam, you must complete and pass all required course assessments/assignments/lab activities with a score of 60% or higher for each. 
(For UNL10 Building Literacy Skills and UNL30 Building Numeracy Knowledge And Skills, students are required to achieve a score of 50% or higher to be eligible to sit the final exam)
It is highly recommended that you also complete the Practice Exam prior to sitting your Final Exam.

Once your final exam form has been completed by yourself and your proposed supervisor has signed, you will need to email it to us for processing.

You must provide at least 5 business days’ notice to sit an Exam.

To pass a course, you must receive a score of 50% or higher overall (combined grade of all assessments including the Final Exam).

Specimen/PRACTICE examination

Practice Exams can be found in the online classroom and will be made available once you have completed around 70% of your assessments and passed. It is strongly recommended that you complete the Practice Exam prior to sitting the Final Exam. Please ensure that you attempt the Practice Exam at least one week before you wish to sit the Final Exam. This is to allow sufficient time for the teacher to grade and provide you with the feedback you’ll need to do well in the Final Exam.  Completed Practice Exam papers can be uploaded in the online classroom to the relevant Dropbox.

HOW TO SIT your final exam

We have several options for your convenience when it comes to sitting the Final Exam.

  • ProctorU – Currently only offered for Biology, Senior English, Building Literacy Skills, Building Numeracy Knowledge and Skills and Introduction to Economics Exams – click here for further information!
  • Arrange your own invigilator/supervisor – see below for information
  • If you live in Brisbane, you are welcome to sit the exam at our office at Alexandra Hills (not available Fridays).  

Arranging an invigilator (SUPERVISOR) for your final exam

Your supervisor needs to:

  • be a person that is not related to you and not a friend
  • must have a computer with reliable internet, a printer and scanner
  • have a place of business with appropriate testing conditions to supervise your exam
  • have a business email address where the exam and instructions are to be sent (i.e. not @yahoo or @hotmail)
  • be a professional person such as a teacher, lecturer, JP, solicitor, librarian, police person or other person of such standing.

Suitable location for exams

You must sit the exam in a place of business (non-residential address) where you will have uninterrupted, quiet conditions to complete the exam. The supervisor should be in visual proximity to you at all times during the exam.


Still have questions?  Please see if we’ve answered them in the following list of FAQs.  If not, please contact us and we will happily answer any questions.

What exactly happens on the day in terms of how the exam is completed?

Introductory Mathematics and Senior Mathematics Online Exams

  • Questions appear in your online classroom and answers are written in an answer booklet (we email this answer booklet to your supervisor to print prior to the exam date)
  • Once complete, the supervisor emails the answer booklet directly to the teacher (these details are provided in instructions we send to your supervisor prior to the exam date).
  • The original documents are then posted to us by the supervisor in a pre-paid envelope provided by you.
  • The student is not to handle any examination documents once the exam is complete – this includes electronic copies.  

Chemistry and Physics Online Exams

  • These exams contain both multiple choice questions and long answer questions.  Multiple choice questions are to be answered within the online classroom.  The remaining questions will appear in your online classroom and answers are to be written in an answer booklet (we email this answer booklet to your supervisor to print prior to the exam date)
  • Once complete, the supervisor emails the answer booklet directly to the teacher (these details are provided in instructions we send to your supervisor prior to the exam date).
  • The original documents are then posted to us by the supervisor in a pre-paid envelope provided by you.
  • The student is not to handle any examination documents once the exam is complete – this includes electronic copies.  

Senior English, Introduction to Economics and Biology Online Exams

  • These exams can be completed entirely online.  There is no requirement to handwrite answers in an answer booklet.  The exam will be submitted exactly like a quiz and therefore automatically available to the teacher for grading.
What days/times can I sit my exam?

If you have your own supervisor, you can sit your exam any day and any time that is suitable for both you and your supervisor.  Your supervisor will be emailed everything required for the exam so there is no need to sit at a time when our office is open.

Exam bookings with ProctorU are available 24/7, so you can take your test whenever it’s most convenient for you.

Please note that if the exam does take place outside our office hours, we will not be available to assist with any questions or technical issues should they arise at the time of your exam.

What is the difference between online and paperbased exams?

The online exam requires you to have access to a computer with reliable internet.  The questions appear in your online classroom and your supervisor will be emailed the answer booklet to print so that you can write your answers (except Biology, Economics and Senior English which are complete entirely online without the need for an answer booklet).

If you wish to complete the paperbased exam, we will email both the questions and the answer booklet to your supervisor to print.

I have a deadline I need to meet, when should I aim to sit my Final Exam so that I can definitely meet this deadline?

Please sit your Final Exam 3 weeks prior to your deadline.  This will allow sufficient time for the teacher to grade your exam and for the relevant Team to generate your Statement of Achievement.

How long will my Exam be?

Biology – 3HRS & 10 Minutes

Senior Mathematics – Two Papers, 2HRS and 10mins each. Allow at least a 30min break in between Papers. Both Papers must be completing on the same day.

Introductory Mathematics – 3HRS & 10 Minutes

Chemistry – 3HRS & 40 Minutes

Senior English – 2HRS & 15 Minutes

Physics – 3HRS & 10 Minutes

Introduction to Economics – 2HRS & 40 Minutes

What do I need to bring to my exam?

All documents you require will be emailed to your supervisor 24-48hrs prior to your exam date.  This will include any formula sheets, tables and graph paper.  Depending on the course you are completing, you will generally need to bring:

  • Your Connect username and password to log in;
  • Photo identification
  • Pen/pencils and a ruler
  • A non-CAS calculator
  • Water
  • A prepaid A4 envelope to provide to your supervisor in order to send the original docs back to us.

These details will be emailed to you prior to the exam date.

What kind of calculator is allowed in the Exam?

For any of the maths courses, you may NOT have a calculator that has C.A.S. (computer algebra systems) functionality.

You may have a scientific calculator or a graphing calculator without C.A.S. functionality. Please make sure that you check this before purchasing your calculator.

It is the students responsibility to read their calculators manual as every calculator is different and your teacher may not be able to help you locate certain functions.

What if some of the details of my exam change after I have submitted my Exam Request Form?

Please email and advise us of any changes.  It is your responsibility to keep both your supervisor and our office informed of any changes to the agreed exam arrangements.  This includes the date of the exam, the location/venue of the exam and any changes to the supervisor's details.

The exact time you sit the exam is worked out between yourself and your supervisor and you do not need to advise us.

Can I use my own laptop at the exam location?

Yes, if there is no other computer available at your chosen exam venue, you are allowed to use your own laptop to complete the exam.  Your supervisor must be in visual proximity to you and your computer screen at all times.

When will my exam be graded by the teacher?

Our grading policy states that teachers have a total of 10 business days to grade assessments.  Exams are, however, given priority and are generally graded within 5 business days.

Please sit your Exam at least 3 weeks prior to any deadline you are required to meet.

When will I receive my Statement of Achievement?

Once you have received the email from your teacher with your final grade, please allow 10 working days from this date for the Statement of Achievement to be issued.  The Statement is both emailed and posted to you.

Please sit your Exam at least 3 weeks prior to any deadline you are required to meet.

The supervisor I have in mind isn't on the "List of Approved Roles for Supervisors", are they still suitable?

Please tick "Other" and provide your supervisor's details on Page 2 of the Exam Request Form and we will let you know whether we deem the nominated person a suitable supervisor.

Please note that we may need to contact your supervisor to validate their suitability.

I am experiencing strict lockdown restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, what can I do?

Please call or email to discuss this with our admin staff.  We may be able to arrange an alternative mode of supervision for your exam.

Can I sit my exam at the Unilearn Office?

Yes!  If you are in Brisbane, please feel free to sit here at our office in Alexandra Hills.  There are computers available and we are happy to supervise.  Our address is 29 Windemere Road, Alexandra Hills.

Exam supervision is available Monday-Thursday, between 9am-3:30pm.

After you have completed the final exam – GRADING AND ISSUANCE OF STATEMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT

It is important to remain patient after sitting the exam. Your exam will be graded within 10 business days (generally faster).

Once graded, you will be notified of your results by email. Please allow 10 business days from the date you receive this email to receive your Statement of Achievement.  An electronic copy of your Statement will be emailed to you and the hard copy will be printed and posted to you at the same time.

Please remember that we cannot control the speed of Australia Post and you should always allow extra days if you live in a non-metropolitan area.

Given the above, we recommend students sit their exam at least 3 weeks before any deadline. 


Marks awarded
 50 – 64%  Pass (P)
 65 – 74%  Credit (C)
 75 – 84%  Distinction (D)
 85% and above  High Distinction (HD)

Reporting your scores to VTAC, QTAC, UAC, SATAC or Universities

It is the responsibility of the student to sit their final exams and submit their Statement to their qualifying body.  You will need to keep the following in mind:

  • You will need to sit your final exam no later than 3 weeks prior to your deadline,
  • Allow sufficient time for your qualifying body to receive the Statement of Achievement,
  • You may need to provide them with a certified copy of your Statement of Achievement.

Other important information

Students who fail to obtain the minimum mark required for a Pass grade on their Final Exam, after submitting a reasonable attempt, may then be eligible to sit a second Exam at the teachers’ discretion.

If you do not have an end of year deadline or midyear deadline, you will need to sit your final exam outside of the following peak exam times:- 

Early November to Christmas Holidays
Mid May to Early June